My video testimony from the Wednesday night service at church

It was difficult to recount some of my childhood abuse and teenage alcohol problems, but I felt like it was important to share them. My pastor also asked me to explain to the church how I do my street ministry. My talk at church from Wednesday, June 23 , 2021, is on the YouTube link below. It starts at around 29:00. I hope it is edifying:

**Below is the story of my evangelization trip to and through the Florida Keys:

Piercing the Darkness: My evangelism journey through the Florida Keys

Below is a video interview I did 3 years ago on the Bible version issue:

Unconditional Election and Limited Atonement: is Calvinism Biblical? A Scriptural Analysis

24 thoughts on “My video testimony from the Wednesday night service at church

      1. Yes I did – But in part because of the moderators allowing non-Biblically based abusive comments – I no longer will.


      2. Hey there, Sidrow11! Yes, I did, and I still do on occasion, when time, interest in a particular news story or some solid theological direction warrants. It’s a pretty hostile environment there for the most part, and I don’t enjoy that.


      3. I’m sorry, Sidrow11; I thought you were commenting to me! Oh well…seeing that we’re here together, I trust our Lord has been blessing you and your family during this plannedemic! We’re going to be out of here soon, one way or the other! PTL! Maranatha!


      4. Greetings, Dear Brother! It must be old age creeping up on us. It sucks to be Old Age because I can still outrun it! Have you put up any new posts here lately? BuffaloBilly was going to leave NTEB a couple of days ago because he was being gang-banged by some of the less-inclined- to-apply Scripture folks. I’ll have to make a note to remind myself to sic him onto your awesome site! He’s going away to his cabin for a few days to discuss the latest NTEB happening with our Lord. I’ll send him an email right now…while I still remember! Blessings!


      5. Hey bro. Great to hear from you. We are all getting older and maybe a little bit dumber. 👴🏻
        I posted an article on the pre trib rapture recently and I also posted a video of my testimony, which is the one we are commenting on haha. Other then that, no. I really try to post only when something is really on my heart. I am considering a few topics at this point. Keep in touch bro!


      6. I’m subscribed, so I should be automatically getting your new posts when you upload them. I look forward to more solid ministry! As you know…I pass it along! I’d like to see more of “my people” in my circle respond, but they’re probably afraid to, due to all the tracking. Fear is an awful thing for some. Then again…we’re all being bombarded by news and maybe they have enough to deal with already. I say…”Dump the news and get on with Truth that really matters.

        I’d like to see you put up an article on the lazy and faithless pastors who’ve not been warning their flocks of the m.o.t.b. which is just around the corner…for those who aren’t masking or shooting up…only if Jesus tarries! I don’t believe He will! Just as the Israelis were approaching the shore of the Red Sea and Pharaoh’s army were at their backs, God gave them a miracle of deliverance at JUST THE RIGHT TIME, and I believe He will do the same for us! That’s just a thought for a future article, if you feel so inclined.

        It’s climbing on to bedtime for me, so I’m going to get myself out of here, sit back, and watch some YT with my eyes closed!

        God richly bless you, with His awesome presence, peace, and earnest expectation of our soon departure! Any day now!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Awesome!

    Craig Murray

    “The Duty Of A True Patriot Is To Protect His Country From It’s Government.” (Thomas Paine)

    “When the people fear the government, there is tyranny, when the government fears the people, there is liberty.” – Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1809!”

    On Thu, Jun 24, 2021, 03:05 Thy Word Alone is Truth: Examining All Things


  2. Bro. Ned,

    What a fantastic testimony, glory to God! Thank you, for accepting the invitation to share it, and to be such a rich source of encouragement to so many! I’m so glad that God is blessing you and your wife, as He always does for those who are faithful to Him! Keep up the great work, Bro! Soon, we are going to see our King of King and Lord of Lords…face-to-face, and what a wonderful day that is sure to be!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Bro. Ned,

    What a fantastic testimony, glory to God! Thank you, for accepting the invitation to share it, and to be such a rich source of encouragement to so many! I’m so glad that God is blessing you and your wife, as He always does for those who are faithful to Him! Keep up the great work, Bro! Soon, we are going to see our King of King and Lord of Lords…face-to-face, and what a wonderful day that is sure to be!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Bro. Ned,

    Thank you, so much for accepting the invitation to share your story! What a story it was and truly is now! It was so powerfully insightful and encouraging!

    I thank God for you, and your faithfulness to Him in ministry! We have much in common, and God has been so faithful…even when we weren’t. Continue to stand up for Jesus, our King of kings and Lord of lords, whom we’re going to be seeing in the very near future…face-to-face! Maranatha!

    I had to use a FB account to sign in; I’m not “Cyrus”; I’m Skywatcher 57. WP wouldn’t allow me to sign in.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! My only goal with it was to truly honor the Lord. I do not like public speaking and fought it hard haha…but the Lord is still growing me into the man I need to be, so I relented. I appreciate you very much my friend. Thanks for the kind words.


      1. I already did! I also sent it to my unsaved son-in-law, Chris, so would greatly appreciate your prayers for his salvation!

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Thanks for sharing.
    It was rather distressing listening to your harrowing childhood/youth background. However, it was wonderfully encouraging to hear how the Lord Jesus impacted your life and turned you around, and how you are willing to go out talking to people about the real Jesus Christ.
    I was just talking to someone the other day about the vital aspect of “forgiveness” in living our Christian lives – how God helps us in the process of forgiving. We make a start and God certainly helps us. We can move from anger, bitterness, and hatred to praying for those who harmed us. As you said, we don’t want anyone spending an eternity in hell.
    Christian blessings

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Amen and thank you. I’m so glad it was encouraging. After my childhood, many of my problems were due to my own foolishness but God, in his mercy, broke me ….and when I surrendered, he rebuilt me more in his image and for that, I’m thankful.
      Bitterness really is poison to the soul. I still fight it in some instances but I never let it take root. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. 😀

      Liked by 2 people

  6. From the Netherlands. Thanks for your testimony! Is has been very affirmative and we need that sometimes. In NL a lot of charismania and Bible translations too… sadly enough and a lot do not see it or do not wanna see it.

    Liked by 2 people

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