Another Reason for the KJB: the tale of one man’s torment at the hands of the NASB

“Go ye up unto this feast: I go not up YET unto this feast; for my time is not yet full come. When he had said these words unto them, he abode still in Galilee. But when his brethren were gone up, then went he also up unto the feast, not openly, but as it were in secret.”
‭‭John‬ ‭7:8-10‬ ‭KJV‬‬

“So Jesus said to them, “My time is not yet here, but your time is always opportune. The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I testify of it, that its deeds are evil. Go up to the feast yourselves; **I DO NOT GO UP TO THIS FEAST**because My time has not yet fully come.””
‭‭John‬ ‭7:6-8‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬

Almost every day, following street evangelism, if there aren’t any waves, I drive over to the Jupiter inlet in order to swim in the clear blue-green water, especially just before high tide as it fills in with the warm Gulf Stream current, which lies only 3 miles off shore. The inlet is full of sea turtles, manatees, spotted eagle rays, schools of Jack Crevalle and every manner of tropical fish – and of course, sharks. Swimming against the current one way….and then riding it back to my little beach the other way, is one of the great joys of my life. The swim out against the tide is a challenge, but the journey back, being gently pushed by the warm, clean Gulf Stream, is like quietly flying through a thick blue sky, but instead of birds, it’s full of brilliantly, and beautifully crafted marine life. I see the creativity, love and power of God every single swim.

A few weeks ago, as I was getting out of the water and stripping off my gear, (mask, snorkel, dive gloves, fins, and unnecessary but fun to carry dive knife) I noticed an older gentleman on my little beach. I greeted him with a warm smile and asked him if he knew that Jesus Christ loved him and paid the full price for his sin with His blood. He responded with an enthusiastic,”Yes!”

For some reason, it was on my heart to gently bring up the Bible version issue, so I mentioned to him that after decades of being an NIV lover and KJB hater, I decided to study the reason for all of the different Bible versions. (My article outlining that issue, in depth, can be found at the end of this post.)

I then made the point that one of the most egregious differences between the KJB and the new versions, is that Jesus actually lies to his brothers in John 7:8-10, in every single new version. Not only does scripture teach us that God cannot lie (Titus 1:2), but Revelation 22:15 states that liars go into the lake of fire. I would not want to be one of the men who assigned Jesus to hell by virtue of my translation decisions.

As soon as the words came out of my mouth, the man looked at me with disbelief and said,” Jesus really didn’t lie in the King James??” I said, “No. He only lies in bibles created by Rome. In the real Bible he tells the truth.” The man was absolutely shocked and told me that he had been tormented by that scripture for 25 years! Why did Jesus lie? How could he do that and be God – and truly be good? He found his answer, by the grace and mercy of Jesus on a small, remote beach on Jupiter island. He was reminded by the true word of God that God cannot and does not EVER lie.

Not coincidentally, Matthew 5:22, in the new versions, also condemns Jesus to hell since he gets angry with Peter for not respecting God’s plan of redemption. In the new versions, we are condemned to hell simply for being angry with our brother, while the KJB properly adds that we are only in danger of hell for being angry “without a cause.” The edits in the new versions by our friends in Rome, are of course, no accident. [The new versions also slander the character of Paul in Galatians 5:12. Check it in the KJB, and then in a new version of your choosing. Which version accurately captures the heart of Paul towards his enemies?]

What a blessing that the Lord led me to that precious soul at that exact moment in time. I asked him for his contact information, and sent him my full Bible version article so that he could understand what exactly happened to the word of God at the hands of Rome in 1881. Satan couldn’t destroy scripture, so he made clever, easy-read counterfeits…shrouded in pseudo scholarship and approved (and pushed) by the Laodicean church. If one puts a Phd or Thd behind their name, seemingly every Christian will trust them, whether they have a legitimate salvation testimony or not.

I will never EVER read (or recommend) a Bible where Jesus is condemned to hell not only for lying but also for being justifiably angry with his beloved brother Peter. Furthermore, there are hundreds of serious doctrinal edits and deletions in the new versions, all of which use the same corrupt family of manuscripts, while the editors simply grab a thesaurus to ensure that they change just enough words and phrases to get a copyright – and the cash that comes with it. That is patently outrageous and will not stand on the last day. I strongly urge all of my readers to review my articles linked at the end of this post, and place your new version Bible where it belongs – in the fire.

My full Bible version article:

The Bible Version Controversy: A Brief History of The War over God’s Eternal Written Word

Another article I wrote on a friend led astray by new version edits:

Repentance, Salvation and The New Bible Versions: Yes, it Really Does Matter

Tithing and the New Testament Church

The Supremacy and Certainty of Scripture: What Exactly we Have with the Written Word of God

Money and the Ministry: Teachers, Preachers and Mammon

20 thoughts on “Another Reason for the KJB: the tale of one man’s torment at the hands of the NASB

  1. What really astounds and baffles me is that so many preachers, Bible teachers, and Christians I’ve tried to warn about the counterfeit bibles are in total denial! Most of them don’t even want to see the evidence, and yet, they believe they’re called of God. I believe Jesus had them and many others in mind when He gave us the words of Mt. 7: 21-23.

    Thank you, Bro, for sharing this experience with me; I’ve shared it with a number of others because they also need to know!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you my friend! It is so so sad that very few people are inquisitive enough to search out the changes and then figure who made them and why. A little hint: ROME.
      Appreciate you my northern brother.


    2. Sadly Pastors & academics are often either very trained or their egos lead them astray. But once & while a pastor can pray to God for the Truth & God will make a way.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Ed,

    I left a comment on your website; pls let me know if it got posted or not.



    On Tue, Nov 9, 2021 at 3:51 PM Thy Word Alone is Truth: Examining All Things

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That’s a wonderful example of how the KJV brings God’s blessing to those struggling due to errors in the modern versions. May God bless you mightily for being used of Him to free that man from that bondage.

    Two decades ago, I fasted, prayed, and studied to get God’s answer to my desperate questions about the Bible version issue. The attachment is the story of how God led me to the truth. It was quite a spiritual “journey”! If you have time to read it, I hope you will be blessed.

    Thank you for your stand on the KJV. I have prayed for you and your wife.

    Brother Bruce


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Excellent! Thank you for sharing, thank you for encouraging me and thank you for your prayers. We are in a war for the gospel and for the truth of God’s word. It’s nice to know I have some brothers in it with me.


    2. A major reason for the problem is that somewhere along the line, the KJ Holy Bible became called a “version” instead of the translation that it really is. The per-versions are not translations, and sadly, many preachers and Bible teachers are not teaching the distinctions between the two.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Amen. You are correct! Seminaries don’t teach the differences. They simply slander the kjb with lies and 1/2 truths, and push the pseudo scholarship of Tshendorf and W&H.


  4. Hello! I just saw a Twitter post you had in reply to someone regarding yoga and I was trying to remember the video I saw about the evil of Kundalini Yoga (I posted a reply also) and after I posted my reply I saw yours about Caryl Matrisciana and I had to smile b/c that was the video I was thinking of. Anyway, I decided to check out your Twitter and found this post about the KJV bible…I was just having a conversation with an elderly couple from my church this afternoon and they are adamant about only using the KJV. I use it also…our Pastor uses only the KJV. But I have other versions as well and have used them in the past for an “easier” read from time to time. However, reading your post struck me…b/c that’s what they were saying too. However, I’m confused now b/c I looked up (on Bible Gateway NASB) that verse to see it for myself and it doesn’t say the same thing as what you have posted here from 1995. It says: 8 Go up to the feast yourselves; I am not going up to this feast, because My time has not yet fully arrived.” 9 Now having said these things to them, He stayed in Galilee. 10 But when His brothers had gone up to the feast, then He Himself also went up, not publicly, but as though in secret. I’m guessing they had many complaints and changed it in the newer version??? Do you know? Anyway…thanks for your faithful witness for Christ. Listening to the sermon you posted as I write this. Your preacher and the music in the service is very reminiscent of my church. It’s good to know there are good preachers and churches still out there.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for commenting. 😀
      Read the language from your post. He said he wasn’t going up to the feast. Then he did. That’s a lie. The real Greek text has the Greek word “oupo,” which means “not yet.” The editors of the Greek text used by the Nasb deletes out that word. Now why would they do that? If “yet” was in the text no one would think Jesus lied. Yet they chose to delete it out for no reason other than to cast doubt on his character. It’s in the correct Greek text, the Textus Receptus. This is my main article explaining the whole Greek/English situation. I truly used to dislike the kjb but my wife asked me to figure out why there are so many different versions. Really, there are only two. The new versions have a few minor differences between each other but the substance is the same. The KJB is very different because it uses a Greek text with infinitely more manuscript support. Check out this foundational article and please don’t hesitate to ask more questions. Caryl was great! She died from cancer a year or two ago. My main article:

      Liked by 1 person

  5. It has been really great to discover your site. I have felt like an alien sometimes because of my zeal for the KJV. Sometimes when I notice others’ lack of zeal, I wonder if I’m too militaristic about it. However, reading your articles has helped encourage me that I’m not wrong in my zeal.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I cannot tell you how much this message means to me. My wife and I were talking about that very thing tonite. Even in Paul’s time they were perverting the gospel ( Galatians 1:6-9) and the word of God (2 Corinthians something😀). People try to guilt us into accepting a Bible edited of much sound doctrine by Rome, but I say no way. Ever. Revelation 22:18-19 teaches us that the wicked men who cut our 2886 Greek words and added in 310 are in hell for creating that corrupt Greek text back in 1881, so why would we even consider reading it??
      The king James has every verse and passage God wanted in the Bible and there are Textus Receptus Bibles in
      78 languages!
      Once I saw the actual doctrinal changes between the kjb and new versions, I had to figure out who did it. When I got the answer (and it wasn’t a difficult search), I was furious and decided to fight to the death for the eternal words of the Living God. I’m glad you are on that team too. Never compromise. Never be shamed. Tell people that your not kjb only your “Bibles not edited by Rome only.” 😀

      Feel free to chime in or contact me if you ever have a kjb or other Bible related question. It’s a huge blessing to be in touch with those who understand just how critical it is for anyone who picks up a Bible to know it is the true word of God.
      I have some good kjb friends on Twitter if your there. @SolaScriptura98

      Liked by 1 person

    2. You’re definitely not alone, Natalie! I gave a presentation on the counterfeit bibles on Wed. evening in a Bible study group. Most in the group are KJ only, but a couple of them, up to that point in time, insisted upon using the per-versions. They get a real grip on the reader, because of their satanic influence. These people were shocked at the very subtle and not so subtle changes I was pointing out to them.
      I had 30-something pages of evidence for them, so they couldn’t deny what I was saying. Since then, I was given three more pages of the satanic slime to peruse and to use!

      You’re not being “too militaristic” or dogmatic in your defense of the “pure and preserved” Word of God. Sadly, there aren’t enough truly committed soldiers in the “Christian” community who care enough to make that bold and godly stand. You hang in there, because you have the truth and are on the side of truth–(Jesus Christ! John 14: 6)

      Liked by 2 people

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