Dubois Beach blog


I’m still surprised by how often scripture directly challenges my seemingly normal and appropriate beliefs and practices. Recently, I have been encouraged to examine how I (and the church) relate to our nation and it’s leaders. My only standard for testing the validity of my beliefs is scripture…the refining furnace of God’s eternal word. Fortunately, the issues of nationalism and politics are addressed clearly and directly by both Jesus and Paul, leaving no room for legitimate, biblical debate. If Jesus and Paul say it, I believe it, even if it goes against EVERYTHING I have been taught and practiced for decades. May God be true…and every man a liar. Romans 3:4

I adore the United States and would never want to live anywhere else (except maybe Costa Rica). I was a huge supporter of Republican presidents from Reagan to George W. Bush, and I greatly enjoyed studying and debating public policy. However, a few years back, as I was studying the Scriptures relentlessly, preparing to embark on my new career as a street minister, I began to notice clear and unambiguous statements about God’s perspective on this dying world versus the one to come, where we will rule and reign with Jesus Christ, in paradise…forever. While we are taught to fervently pray for our leaders, we are never taught, either directly or by example, to take part in politics or become entangled in governmental affairs.

When I examine the quotations of Jesus that can be applied to issues of nationalism and politics, one thing becomes clear – His kingdom is not of this world, therefore, neither is mine.

In the verse below, some of his followers wanted to make Jesus their king. His actions in response to this, speak as loud as his words:

15 When Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force, to make him a king, he departed again into a mountain himself alone. John 6:15

While no explanation is given to us in John 6 (above) regarding why Jesus doesn’t want to reign as king on earth, the answer is provided for us later in the chapter:

36 Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence. John 18:36

Although we know that God is sovereign in all things, the gospels teach us exactly what our rebellion in the garden cost both us and him:

And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. Luke 4:5-8

Whether or not we want to accept the unambiguous truths stated above, this world is Satan’s due to our rebellion. We, through Adam, rejected the instructions of the God who made us and loved us, and instead chose to follow His enemy. Jesus can and does reach his hand down to help those that are His, but in terms of temporal authority, we see that, whomever is in charge, no matter what party, the doctrines of demons are propagated. For some it’s abortion, for others (like the current president) it is (among other things) the LBGTQ agenda, which he proudly and vigorously promotes. Many will ignore this fact, because the future of America is more important to them than the proliferation of the gospel, but the plain truth is, whether right, left or center, the Antichrist agenda is moving forward, and nothing can stop it. IT IS WRITTEN. His kingdom is not of this world….

When we examine Paul’s life, we do not see any attempt by him to influence or even be involved with any type of temporal power structure. He preached the gospel to them, but he wanted no part of the man-made systems they represented. Paul made it clear: he lived for an eternal kingdom, one whose builder and maker was God, and while he labored diligently for God while on earth, his hope, his treasure and his crown…were in heaven.

When I read Paul’s letters in the KJB, especially the pastoral epistles, it becomes clear that Paul is concerned about: sound doctrine, preaching the word, boldness, rebuking false teachers, and the blessed hope…the glorious return of Jesus Christ. What is glaringly absent, is any concern for the power structures of this world. In fact, when addressing Timothy, his beloved son in the faith, He says:

Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. 2 Timothy 2:3-4

Paul is making the point that we as Christians are to view ourselves, not as propagators of a political agenda but as soldiers for Jesus Christ. He even states, as clearly as possible, that we are NOT to become entangled in the affairs of this life. What this means, among other things, is that we are not to invest our labor in the short term machinations of politics and government. Instead we are to fix our eyes and hearts on eternity. Paul knew well that a concern for the things of Earth, which will ultimately be destroyed (2 Peter 3), would only serve to pull him away from the gospel and away from the realities of an eternal heaven, and an eternal hell.

Many believe that Paul wrote Hebrews, but regardless of the author, we are told exactly what we are to focus our minds and hearts on:

 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. Hebrews 12:1-3

It is important to note that Paul didn’t teach us to ignore government entirely. In fact, he made it clear that we have a duty to sincerely pray for our leaders:

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 2:1-4

Interestingly, the purpose of these prayers isn’t so that we can control, manipulate or even take over the government. Rather, the goal is to allow us to live quite, peaceable lives, doing what his letters so powerfully exhort us to do – preach the word boldly, while caring for the weak, the lonely and the poor.

America is my dwelling place, and I am extremely grateful for our Constitution and the freedoms it allows…but it is not now and never will be my home. I…we, are sojourners on the earth. We are, as Paul says, strangers and pilgrims, as we move ever so slowly to an eternal city, one whose builder and maker is God. May we lay aside the cares of this rotting, malignant world, and fix our eyes on Jesus, and HIS glorious kingdom, where we will dwell with Him in joy and peace…forever.



I chose not to vote for president in the last election, and it has borne great fruit for Jesus Christ in my vocation as a street minister. I have had many people scream at me, assuming that I am a Trump guy, and asking me why I don’t go tell HIM about Jesus. I calmly smile, and tell them that I never have and never will vote for Trump. As a result, I have had several people who would never otherwise even consider the message of the cross for one second, listen to what I have to say, and even take strong gospel tracts. THAT is what truly matters…contending for the eternal souls of precious men and women. I’d trade one atheist taking a tract for my vote any day. This place will burn. May we render unto Cesar what is Cesar’s, but otherwise may we all focus our eyes and hearts on Jesus and our families.

While the founders of America knew that the Bible and Judeo-Christian values were the only basis for a truly civilized society, few if any, expressed a sincere belief in the actual gospel of Jesus Christ. Consequently, while America has had unprecedented peace on our shores, and became an unparalleled venue for the creation and development of technology and luxuries, evil has also flourished. While the true gospel has been spread throughout the world by the numerous technological platforms developed in the US, the false gospel has also been spread worldwide by the likes of TBN and other false Christian media. Furthermore, the technology that will be necessary for the Antichrist’s economic and communications systems would not be anywhere close to what they are today without American ingenuity and cash. This government that we love so much (when our guys are in charge) uses our patriotism against us (Patriot act, etc.), by creating the type of surveillance that will be needed in the end to control the world’s population. Satan is brilliant, and he is always working. He plays every angle, and he plays them well – from handsome televangelist to violent murderer. So let us turn from this dying, world and it’s wicked ways, and focus on  the glorious reality of eternity.

17 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:17-18

Other posts by this Author:

Christianity, Capitalism and the Heart of a Believer

Unanswered Prayer: Why Our Prayers Are Not Always Answered

Piercing The Darkness: My Journey Carrying the Gospel Through The Florida Keys



  1. I love the Gospel words that I have just read, by:followingjesuschrist3.com Thank you very much. Just 1 question though…I thought it was Our Duty to Vote for Our President? 🙏🙌❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I don’t see that anywhere in the scriptures. It’s a very American thing. I don’t tell people not to vote, if asked I simply explain why I don’t and how it has led to the spreading of the gospel. For me, that’s it. I have no choice. I, in my particular vocation, cannot risk being discounted as an evangelist because of politics. Thanks for commenting.

      Liked by 4 people

    2. I guess if it’s not in your heart to vote and you did so anyway; What would our Lord think? “ As a man thinks in his heart so is he”.


    1. My theory is that they are both controlled by the same guy. Satan plays left then right then left then right. Racial hatred, anger and wickedness prosper no matter which party is in charge. The republicans tighten the noose of surveillance around our necks, build up the military that will ultimately be used to kill us, and fund the technology that will be used to enslave us all to the antichrist. The gay agenda grows under both parties. It’s all simply a well played game. Satan is brilliant and he stays busy. When Jesus said my kingdom is not if this world, America wasn’t excluded. The same is true when Satan said that all the kingdoms of the world had been given to him. It is an incredibly hard concept to grasp, but I believe it to be true.
      On another note, I had a friend tell me, after reading this article, that he had TWO people walk away from him while he was sharing the gospel, when they found out he was a republican. My point is, why risk losing a listener over something that will ultimately burn? Bless you my brother, and I enjoy your blog.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Thank you for stating the truth! I was for Trump in the beginning, but after doing research I have since not promoted him. I have never taken part in elections, just felt not to do so, we are in the world but not “of” the world.
        As you’ve stated, all those in government are ruled by the prince of darkness and shall do according to his will, as the Lord allows him or her to do so, and that which is according to the Will of the father for the fulfilling of prophesy.

        Also thank you for liking my article on “The Hidden Faith of the Founding Father’s” America was truly not built upon Christian principles, but Masonic principles….big difference.
        Lord bless you. A very good article.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Thank you and amen. I’m going to try and go back and watch some of the videos you linked.
        I remember the night my wife and I woke up. Someone sent us a video about 7 years ago on 911. We mocked it but watched it as a joke. We weren’t laughing an hour and a half later. We were truly on the road to awareness of just how deep and wide the tentacles of darkness stretch in this fallen world. I’m looking forward to the next world…the one that never ends. Peace my friend and thanks for the support!

        Liked by 2 people

      3. Thank you very much…..for following, I also am following you…..I am now listening to your video on “Bible versions”. I also only use the KJB. I intend on sharing this posting to my blog, I hope you don’t mind. Lord bless you……

        Liked by 2 people

  2. The kingdom that all believers should be seeking is not of this world as you correctly point out. Christianity emphasizes the goal of eternal life but the focus of salvation then becomes “living in heaven” when in actuality Scripture describes the final state as dwelling in the New Jerusalem on the new earth – not in heaven
    Moreover, the goal of every genuine believer should be to obtain to a “better resurrection” (Heb 11:35). This verse is particularly significant as the women referred to here chose to embrace suffering in this life rather than obtain their release in order to obtain a better resurrection. What is the better resurrection? I think Paul elaborated on this when he described his own spiritual race in Phil 3:11 where he refers to the “exanastasis” variously translated as “out-resurrection.” Notably he wrote that it is something that he strived for but had not yet attained to. Like the Hebrew women, he links his suffering to obtaining the exanastasis (this NT word only occurs once here).
    If the “better resurrection” is the same as the “out-resurrection” and the Apostle Paul claimed that he had not yet obtained it, what does that tell us about our own lives? For the believer, the ultimate measure of suffering is martyrdom. Rev 20:4-6 refers to the “first resurrection” when those beheaded for Christ get to reign with Him during the Millennium. The reward for taking up our crosses and following Him, even to the point of death is co-reigning with Christ on earth for 1,000 years – not living eternally in heaven. Can we be certain that we have attained to it? If this be true, then it has implications for how we view (political) change in this world and what our reactions should be to it. In this world, we will have tribulation.


  3. Hi Ed. Thanks for this article. There have been many times that “3 Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.4 No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. 2 Timothy 2:3-4” has been a good guide to me in being careful in what it is which absorbs my time and energies. And no, politics is not one of those. The thought was always “be very cautious about what you do get entangled with”.

    The comment about all the governments on earth being under the control of the devil was a good reminder that it is indeed so. Yet our sovereign God still uses them to accomplish His purposes. The Egyptian pharaoh at the time of Moses and the Babylonian empire come to mind. Evil as they were and under satan’s power, yet God accomplished His purposes through them.

    I think you are absolutely correct, it doesn’t matter one iota whether it’s The Left or The Right or The Middle who is “in power”. Wether it is preferable to vote for the lesser of two evils or not to vote at all I believe is an individual thing done as per the leading of the Holy Spirit whom God has given to true believers to guide (among many other things) them.

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  4. Praise the Lord for this excellent article! YES and AMEN! It reminds me of something I heard a preacher say years ago: “I’m neither right wing nor left wing: they’re both still wings on the same stinking bird!” He who has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying: Revelation 18:4 – And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I love your wing comment. Brilliant! Thanks for taking the time to comment. This article has been a hard one for many of my friends to accept. We are bewitched by Satan’s sleight of hand. Everything we see…is a lie other that the word of God. May we turn to that eternal truth, every single day. https://followingjesuschrist3.com/2014/12/02/the-written-word-what-did-jesus-the-apostles-and-the-psalmists-say-about-the-written-word-of-god/

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      1. Praise the Lord Jesus! All glory to Him; without Him I’m bankrupt; I’m just a beggar who can tell another beggar where to get living Bread! 🙂

        I read something many years ago that has put this subject of politics into perspective. I was reading the book of Daniel at the time, and decided to read Matthew Henry’s comments on that precious book of the Bible.

        Bro. Henry said something so striking. He noted that when prideful Nebuchadnezzar saw the image, which represented human government – he saw it as an image of man–which gratified his carnal mind.

        However, when God gave a parallel dream to His faithful servant,Daniel, He represented the kingdoms of the world to Daniel as they really are – and that is, as grotesque beasts. Selah.

        Let us hear what the Spirit is saying. God showed His true servant, Daniel, and through him – to the rest of God’s remnant – what every human government is in nature, and of what spirit each is; therefore, God has told us to come out from among them, be separate, and touch not the unclean thing; the Father will receive us, and we shall be His sons and daughters. Amen! Maranatha!

        Liked by 2 people

  5. Great article my brotha. Many American Christians have a hard time with this because many have worshipped the country (idolatry) or their political party more than Christ. You are correct, both the Dems and Reps are on the same team and are controlled by Satan. Satan used a strategy to get Christians in America more focused on politics than sharing the gospel of Christ and that is why many of our churches are spiritually dead in America.

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  6. I am firmly convinced that our life is not subdivided into secular and sacred. I am convinced that it is my responsibility before God to be a catalyst in every venue of life that I can and that includes government. That in no way changes my allegiance to Jesus Christ but rather is obedience to him to bring the gospel to every creature and to work to destroy the work of Satan in every venue I can.

    To not enter into the voting process at the very least is to say “Let the world do what it does no matter how it affects me or my children and their descendants.” How can I with clear conscience fail in securing my descendants happiness both in this world and the world to come? From a perspective of local government to federal government legislation is passed that directly matters to my family, friends and fellow believers. If by voting I can change just one important piece of legislation that affects my family in a negative way then I will do that. I don’t see how anyone can justify not being part of the voting process whether they believe the government is corrupt on both sides or not. Everything is not set in place by the corrupt people in government as you might think. This President came in as a business man; not a politician and he couldn’t be bought. That is why there’s intense hatred for him He isn’t buckling to the system. He is destroying the old guard to bring freedom back to the people of America. I can certainly back that action even as a Christian.

    I have carefully followed President Trump and military intelligence for the entirety of President Trump’s administration, and while I know the President is not a Christian I do know that he is working hard to turn this nation around and genuinely loves the people of America and the nation itself. Why else would a man leave an opulent life to be hounded, harassed, threatened, have his family threatened and be attacked from every angle by every vile bird of prey on earth both national and international. He already had fame and fortune and all any man could ask for in the material realm so his motivation has to be good even if he never repented of his sins according to his own words. This isn’t about party. It’s about saving a nation from globalism. Isn’t it my responsibility and yours to support such a man in any way we can?

    Did Nathan confront David? Did Elijah confront Jezebel and her husband? Did Paul confront the Sanhedrin and Agrippa? Did Jesus rebuke the members of the Sanhedrin and make it clear to Pilate that he had no authority over him if God hadn’t given it to him. I am sure there are others especially prophets like Daniel who was in Nebuchadnezzar’s court and the courts of other kings as their chief counselor? Samuel spoke harshly to the king who refused to obey God and completely annihilate a people group. John the Baptist also lost his head by confronting a king who was adulterous.

    I cannot just stand by and watch our nation torn apart without entering into battle for the sake of my children and grandchildren. That battle includes prayer but it also includes speaking with people in and out of government if that will help change the legislation that will damage our nation, family, friends and the body of Christ. I am certain I can do that without compromising my stand for the Lord.

    Your thoughts?

    Rick aka C R Lord, Author


  7. How very thankful I am that I was ‘led’ to read this article by you – for I had previously found NO OTHER Christian that agreed with my decision NOT to vote in the 2016 Federal Election
    I am a 70+ year old Vietnam vet – and I had voted in every federal – and nearly every state and local election since the early 1970’s (AFTER finishing my 2d tour in VN) – – – UNTIL 2016
    I know that I was Biblically “saved” and became a “born again” believer and follower of “the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” shortly after 9-11-2001
    – BUT it was only after — ‘voting against’ — Pres. Obama – TWICE – that I was personally ‘led’ to give very serious thought to – and realize that there is NO-WHERE on any ‘ballot’ the potion to vote ‘against’ ANY CANDIDATE !
    – And ‘the truisms’ are that
    — ‘The lesser of two evils is still evil’
    – And that – ‘Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil’
    — And especially that which C.H. Spurgeon said over 100 years ago
    – ‘Between Two Evils, Choose Neither’
    – AND most importantly upon “the words of truth” that are written in 1 Thessalonians 5:22 [AV] unto ALL of us who truly are Biblically “saved” and “born again” believers and followers of “the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” – ‘Biblical CHRISTians’:
    “Abstain from all appearance of evil.”
    – AND – How many Christians in this country have ever given any truly serious thought about how constantly increasingly “antichrist” spirited \ ‘spiritually dark’ \ morally corrupt \ ‘neo-Pagan’ \ ‘neo-Dark Ages’ \ and “wicked” my country of ‘Amerika’ is ?
    – For “the words of truth” which are written in “the word of the Lord” in Proverbs 14:34 [AV] are:
    Righteousness exalteth a nation:
    – AND ‘Amerika’s’ National Crimes against “the Lord God Almighty” INCLUDE
    – FIFTY SIX+ (56+) YEARS AGO the US Supreme Court – by a vote of 8 to 1 – ‘Outlawed’ Reading of the Holy Bible and Reciting the Lord’s Prayer in Public Schools – 18 Jun 1963
    – FORTY-SIX+ (46+) YEARS AGO the US Supreme Court ‘Legalized’ the Murder {aka ‘Abortion’} of unborn babies – 22 Jan 1973 = SIXTY-ONE MILLION ++ (61,000,000 ++) LEGALIZED MURDERS – SO FAR ! ! ! ! ! ! !
    – FOUR + (4+) YEARS AGO the US Supreme Court ‘Legalized’ Sodomite ‘Marriages’ {aka ‘Same-Sex Marriage’} – 26 Jun 2015
    – AND there is now Official Federal Governmental Approval of ‘Transsexual’ \ ‘Transgender’ \ LGBPTQ ‘Identification’ -AND- ‘Non-binary Gender Identification’
    I am a ‘Biblical CHRISTian’ first and foremost – – – and in a very distant second place, an ‘Amerikan’ citizen
    – So I personally and very seriously considered, and then chose to believe “the certainty of the words of truth” about our “BETTER COUNTRY” written in Hebrews 11:13-16 [AV]
    – So how could I do that which DOES NOT honour my personal “Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” by casting my vote – yet again – for any of the political candidates that I know willingly and knowingly reject “the Lord God Almighty” and His ways?
    I have ‘counted the cost’, and decided after much thought and Prayer that I was not going to be influenced by what the vast majority of other people personally chose to do
    – Or yet again bow my knee to the idol of ‘popular opinion’
    – Or yet again follow the ‘Broad Way’ of ‘the gospel of the majority’ of the proud, ‘Amerikan’ patriotic, religious Christian ‘crowd’
    – Or be worried about what they may say about me, or possibly even do against me
    – So I personally chose not to vote in the Federal election of 2016 – nor have I voted in any local election since.
    And I do pray for “all men” + “kings, and for all that are in authority” – NOT ONLY here in ‘Amerika’ – but in EVERY other country and territory all around this world
    – For that is what I am “exhorted” to do in 1 Timothy 2:1-6 [AV]

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    1. My dear brother Nick … I’m so very grateful for your service to this country and the sacrifices you have made. But I must sincerely disagree with you on one point … yes, there is no place on any ballot to vote “against” someone running for political office. But, what I meant by that is that you can’t stand on a fence in the middle … you have to take a stand one way or the other. Using that reasoning, my voting “for” someone is voting “against” someone else. If i don’t vote one way or the other, I’m in essence not taking a stand and therefore allowing what I know in my heart is wrong to take place.

      Pick any issue, any one at all. You’re either for it or against it. Let’s take abortion. If I don’t like the candidate who is standing against abortion with me and I don’t vote at all, I’m actually voting for the candidate who is for abortion. Same with taxes, traditional marriage, religious freedom, and gun control. You have to come down on only one of two sides. If there are thirty six issues and I agree with one person on thirty of those but the six we disagree on are the six I just mentioned, I’m going to vote “against” that person by voting “for” the other person. I can’t just turn my back and walk away without exercising my say. I will never understand that reasoning brother. You fought in a war to protect that precious right to vote. I’m just doing what you fought for me to do. Millions of Americans have fought and died so we could vote. And we either vote “for” or “against” something or someone every time we do vote OR don’t vote. I’d rather have a say, even if I lose. But if I don’t vote at all, whether I want to believe it or not, I actually do vote.

      God bless you brother.


      1. Steve – You are totally free to believe and do whatever you personally choose
        – And I make no personal judgment about what you and every other person chooses to believe and do
        – And you are one of the vast majority of people who disagree with my personal choice – sometimes very strongly.
        — For one Person went so far as to publickly WARN me earlier this year — ‘Brother Nick, it is probably better to keep your own thoughts to yourself concerning Mr Trump , else YHVH Himself may chastise you for attacking His servant.’
        – And – As I commented to ‘Sola Scriptura’ in my first comment — ‘… I had previously found NO OTHER Christian that agreed with my decision NOT to vote in the 2016 Federal Election …’
        – But – As I previously commented
        — ‘I have ‘counted the cost’, and decided after much thought and Prayer that I was not going to be influenced by what the vast majority of other people personally chose to do
        – Or yet again bow my knee to the idol of ‘popular opinion’
        – Or yet again follow the ‘Broad Way’ of ‘the gospel of the majority’ of the proud, ‘Amerikan’ patriotic, religious Christian ‘crowd’
        – Or be worried about what they may say about me, or possibly even do against me’
        Personally – I pray NOT ONLY for the people here in my country – or ONLY for Pres. Trump – but for ALL
        – For my ongoing Prayers unto “the Lord God Almighty” are “the words of truth” written in 1 Timothy, Chapter 2 [AV]~[KJV]:
        [1] I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
        [2] For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
        [3] For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
        [4] Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
        [5] For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
        [6] Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

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  8. To me, if you choose not to vote, you give up your right to complain. Voting is a responsibility, it is your voice. If I don’t have a clear conviction, I vote for the lesser of two evils. Anyone who wants to push socialism, which is the most evil type of government system ever, will not get my vote. I will automatically vote for the other person.

    We had a guest speaker at my church, First Baptist of Niles, Ohio, who is the chaplain at the Ohio State House. He does the opening prayer each morning there. He has met President Trump. He knows many of the advisers on Trump’s staff who are solid born again Christian men and women. He said he doesn’t know if Trump is born again. But he does know that these strong Christian men and women have Trump’s ear and that he has been presented the Gospel many times. Do you think solid born again Christian men and women had Obama’s ear? Do you think they had Hillary’s ear? I think not.

    I will never vote for people who stand for socialism. This form of government is straight from the devil. And I know that whoever the leaders are in this country or in this world, they were put in those positions by God. God sets people up as leaders and brings people down. He’s ultimately in charge. But He also gives us the responsibility to be salt and light. One of the ways we can show that is by voting.

    There is no middle of the road. You’re either for something or against it. As I believe there are no gray areas in the Word of God, I also believe there are no gray areas in any political issue. So where I will agree that Trump is no saint, I do believe he is far better than the alternative. We have a choice in that matter my brother.

    Matthew 22:21 part B … “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s.” Jesus was drawing a sharp distinction between two kingdoms. There is a kingdom of this world, and Caesar holds power over it. But there is another kingdom, not of this world, and Jesus is King of that world. Christians are part of both kingdoms, at least temporarily. Under Caesar, we have certain obligations that involve material things. Under Christ, we have other obligations that involve eternal things. If Caesar demands money, give it to him—it’s only money. But make sure you also give God what He demands. One of our obligations in this world is to vote. We’re not of this world but we do reside in it. One way to obey God here is to take care of our obligations.

    If Trump represents freedom over slavery, which he does, in the type of government system we would have to live under, the choice would’ve been clear to you. The choice was clear to me … good over evil, specifically speaking of the type of government we’d live under.

    Do I think Trump is a pillar of morality? Of course not. But I did think Hillary Clinton represented total evil. I voted for John McCain and Mitt Romney over Obama for the same reason and I sure wasn’t crazy about either one of them.

    I just think voting is a responsibility and an obligation that God entrusted to us. It’s exercising our ultimate freedom. The freedom that too many people died to preserve.

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    1. I respect your opinion, and I used to agree with you 100%. Cesar requires taxes and obedience to the law. Those things I do.
      My job is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ because Jesus Christ died to get us into heaven. If me not voting leads to even ONE person hearing the gospel of salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ, then it’s worth it. That has happened several times. God will judge us in the end. I want nothing to cloud the gospel I preach.

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      1. I respect yours as well. And I understand completely your reasoning. I just believe I can do both of those things and still honor my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Not all of us can devote our lives 100% like you can, and I admire you for that. And I admire you for probably being able to continue to do that even in a tyrannical socialistic country we would have if people like any of the candidates on the Democrat side win a national election. Street preaching would be outlawed. You would more than likely be put in jail or even put to death. And I understand how much you would relish that … to live is Christ and to die is gain. I wish all born again Christians, including myself, were that zealous. Sadly we aren’t. And while I know I’m truly free as a born again believer, for my life here on earth I also want to be free. Creeping socialism is way worse than capitalism. Even capitalism with all of it’s warts, and it has many. I just can’t see standing by and allowing evil to reign. My way of combating that is voting my biblical convictions. I pray about my vote and accept God’s will with the outcome. Voting is my way of fighting. Street preaching is your way of fighting. Enjoy it while you still have the freedom to do it. And I’ll enjoy mine while I still have the freedom to do it. Because under socialism, neither one of us will be able to enjoy those freedoms.

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      2. I do not put my life or view on politics on anyone. It is simply my calling at this time and being involved in politics is not compatible with my mission. I cannot have two masters, so I am devoting myself fully to one at this time, and I know with 100% certainty that what I’m doing is right, and I hope it encourages others to consider the lie that politics is. It is a lie. This is Satan’s world, and I’m glad to preach relentlessly about the next one, without turning people away because I fit some worldly stereotype of a white, Trump-idolizing republican. I simply preach Christ crucified, and the next life…the one that lasts forever.
        Bless you friend, and thanks for engaging me on this.

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    2. Steve HosaflookOctober – You wrote — ‘To me, if you choose not to vote, you give up your right to complain.’
      – I totally concur with your belief – and I personally DO NOT ‘complain’.
      As a Biblically “saved” and “born again” “believeth” follower of “the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” – ‘a Biblical CHRISTian’ – my personal choice “through faith” is to be ‘A pilgrim just a’ passin’ through this world’, and actually do that which “Abram” did in Genesis 12:1 – “For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.” (Hebrews 11:10 ~AV~KJV)
      And I regularly “through faith” do that which was I am told to do by my “beloved brother Paul” in 1 Timothy, Chapter 2 [AV]:
      [1] I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for ALL men;
      [2] For kings, and for ALL that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
      [3] For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
      [4] Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
      [5] For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
      [6] Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

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      1. Amen. I’m looking to that city, not any in earth. The antichrist WILL rise, and we cannot stop it. So this is what guides me…this is what I live for…this is what I preach: “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.”
        ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:1-4‬ ‭KJV‬‬

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      2. I don’t worship at the altar of politics. I rarely watch news because I don’t trust the media. I simply listen to what people say and then watch what they do. Then, when elections come, I pray and ask God to give me wisdom to vote for the person who would more closely follow biblical guidelines in this secular world we reside in. I realize it’s a secular world, not a spiritual one. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to hunker down and ignore it and wait to be raptured out. I have a responsibility to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ as a follower of His. And I do that in my daily walk. But, I have my daily walk. I have responsibilities to my family and my employer. I have responsibilities in my community. I have responsibilities in my church. My first and foremost responsibility is to my Lord. He has blessed me with these other responsibilities. One of those is to be light and salt.

        You said … “I’m glad to preach relentlessly about the next one, without turning people away because I fit some worldly stereotype of a white, Trump-idolizing republican.” That statement there is choosing a side in this world, not the next. You’re basically concluding I’m that stereotype … a white Trump-idolizing republican.

        First of all, I don’t idolize ANY human being, political party, or agenda. I simply listen to what people say and then watch what they do. Then I make my decision based on not only their talk, but more importantly their walk. Secondly, I’m not a registered republican. I’m a registered independent. I’m beholding to no political party or candidate. I’m beholding to, again, in this secular world, the ideals, issues, and policies that are the “closest” to biblical standards. And thirdly, yes, I’m white. But you brought race into it, not me. How can I, a blood washed born again Christian, stand by and be silent while millions of innocent unborn and now born babies are being slaughtered inside and now outside the womb? How can I support any person or political party that condones that? Not choosing a side here is choosing a side. According to you, I simply just don’t vote and throw my hands in the air and say God will take care of this in His time. Does God actually want me to do that? To just bury my head in the sand and watch it happen? Isn’t that the definition of complicit?

        That’s the one and basically only reason I take a side. I cannot stand by and watch this heinous, immoral, and un-Godly activity continue without doing something as small, or as big as casting a vote. I believe that’s my job as a citizen of this country, not to mention as a human being, and especially not to mention as a blood washed born again believer and follower of Jesus Christ. Our Savior doesn’t want us bury our heads in the sand while evil exists. My argument is not with the women who struggle with this issue. My argument is with a government that not only condones it as law, but also funds it with tax payer dollars. What could be more immoral than condoning and funding abortion? If you choose to not vote against that, then what’s the only other conclusion that can be drawn from that? I’m simply saying that there is a time to stand up and be counted in this present world. As Christians we know we’re counted in the next.

        And yes, preaching the Gospel is also a way to fight. I might not street preach it like you. But I walk the walk and people I come into contact with know it by my works. I don’t turn people away because of political views. I’d share and stand up for the Gospel to anyone, regardless of their political affiliation.

        Brother Cloud is always talking about taking a side and standing up for what’s right and true. Does that mean only in spiritual matters? Of course not. He talks about standing against CCM, ecumenism, and liberalism in our churches today. Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself expressed righteous indignation inside the temple with the money changers. Paul said in Ephesians 4:26, “Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath.” The command is not to “avoid anger” or suppress it or ignore it, but to deal with it properly, in a timely manner. I simply deal with my anger in the voting booth.

        Other than voting, what other voice do we have in this secular world we live in? That’s the only tangible way we have, in this secular world, to effect what we, as Christians, know is wrong. Spiritually you preach 100% of your time. Those of us who don’t do that 100% of our time can simply share and defend the Gospel … and vote for the people who as close as possible line up with our biblical views.

        You can say you’re choosing to take God’s side when it comes to not taking a political side. But in not taking a political side because of a stereotype, you are taking a political side. That in itself makes it personal, not spiritual.


    3. Steve – I do very sincerely pray that you will very earnestly think about the fact that it was
      – FORTY-SIX+ (46+) YEARS AGO – at the beginning of the SECOND term of the Republican President, Richard M. Nixon that
      – The Supreme Court of the United States of America ‘Legalized’ the MURDER {aka ‘Abortion’} of UNBORN BABIES – 22 Jan 1973
      – And that that Federal Law is still ‘in place’
      – And that there have been SIXTY-ONE MILLION ++ (61,000,000 ++) BABIES in the US that have been LEGALLY MURDERED – SO FAR ! ! ! ! ! !
      – And that the Republican President Donald J. Trump has SO FAR made NO meaningful attempt to STOP THIS “antichrist” “abomination” against “the Lord Jesus Christ” ! ! ! ! ! !
      – For it is “the Lord Jesus” who Personally Spoke “the words of truth” written in Matthew 19:17-19 [AV]:
      And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God:
      but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.
      He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said,
      Thou shalt do NO MURDER,
      Thou shalt NOT COMMIT ADULTERY,
      Thou shalt NOT STEAL,
      Thou shalt NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS,
      HONOUR thy father and thy mother:
      THOU SHALT LOVE thy neighbour as thyself.


      1. We have a much batter chance of of this law being changed under Trump with his selections to the Supreme Court than we would’ve had under Hillary or we will have under any of the current democrat candidates. Remember I said, voting for the person who is “closest” to biblical standards. Trump is much closer than any of these other people.

        Look, I get it. People are sinners. I’m a sinner. you’re a sinner. The difference is whether you’re a born again sinner. In this imperfect secular world, not of the perfect world to come, all we can hope for is to have leaders over us who come as close as possible to the biblical standards we hold dear. Liberal/progressive/socialist/communist people just do not even come close. Why vote for them. And worse yet, to me anyway, is why not vote against them?


      2. Preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, with no hindrances, is all that matters. Trump is a huge LGBT guy who says he doesn’t need forgiveness. He plays right, Obama left, but they both put our country in debt, destroy its values and enrich their friends. No thanks. It’s behind me. I live for a city who’s builder and maker…is God. This place will burn.

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  9. Amen, Brother! The fact that Trump appointed what was supposed to be two Conservative Supreme Court justices backfired, causes me to question him all the way through. If Justice Ruth G. passes on, the USA will be in deeper trouble if Trump appoints another Liberal wearing Conservative clothing… If Jesus called us up in the Rapture at this very moment, I would NOT be screaming and crying for Him to leave me here!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. …And on the key issues, the elite get what they want. Roberts, who was supposed to be a rock-solid conservative and strict constructionist, strangely changed his vote on Obama care at the last minute, infuriating Scalia (RIP) and ensuring that it passed. He was told how to vote. That’s how it works. There is only the illusion of freedom.

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      1. We are all global slaves, but I serve a different Master…Love! “God is love”, and that love is absolutely literally out of this world! I can imagine a world without love, and for those who will be left behind to ENDURE it for a time, will be nauseated each time they think of the day of their birth. They will rue the day, and hate their parents for bringing them into the world in the first place.

        The foxes may be in the hen house now, but the Master holds the key to the door! He won’t be letting any of them out for a field trip any time soon! When He does, there will be no coming back, so they had better enjoy life while they can…if they can!

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  10. My personal prayer as a Biblically “saved” and “born again” “believeth” follower of “the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” – a ‘Biblical CHRISTian’ – continues to be that ALL ‘Biblical CHRISTians’ will also do that which we are told to do in 1 Timothy 2:1-6 [AV]~[KJV] :
    I exhort therefore, that, first of all,
    supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for ALL MEN ;
    For kings, and for ALL that are in authority ;
    that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in ALL godliness and honesty.
    For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour ;
    Who will have ALL MEN to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
    For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus ;
    Who gave himself a ransom for ALL, to be testified in due time.
    For President Trump clearly continues to show his “antichrist” Personal Religious Beliefs in his publick proclamations of support for “sodomites”
    Which is the publick denial of and\or the willing rejection of “the words of truth” written in Deuteronomy 23:27 + Romans 1:22-32 [AV]
    The most recent articles that I have seen about President Trump and his Administrations ongoing publick support of the ‘Global LGBTQ+ Agenda’
    ‘My Great Honor!’ Trump Tweets in Sharing Video Calling Him the ‘Most Pro-Gay President in American History’
    – Christian News Network – By Heather Clark on August 21, 2020

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    1. In these times, I’m more and more convinced that God’s Word is the only truth that exists. For many people, it’s getting more and more difficult to be sane in an insane world. Blessings!

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      1. The new Justice is a RC,and will follow the lead of her Jesuit male counterparts, who have sworn to an ancient agenda of killing “by any means possible” all those who defect from the Church (RCism) or all infidels”. She’s not going to be working for Christians anymore than Kavanagh is. Not sure of the spelling of his last name…sorry!

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  11. In these times, God’s Word is the only truth to exist anymore. Sadly, so many individuals believe their version of the truth is all that there is, and that divides. For many people, it’s getting increasingly more difficult to be sane in an insane world! God bless you!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Dear Skywatcher,
      Other’s so-called Truth, is just opinions based upon the many false Bible interpretations, to that “Truth” is not truth at all.
      True biblical truth based upon the Lord’s Word KJV, and the assistance of the Holy Spirit shall teach you the LORD”S truth along with His Apostles.
      The word taken in context will always support the truth. Many of these so-called “Christian bloggers” will not converse with the truth, by utilizing the highly manipulative fleshly and unbiblically supported phrase, “we need to agree to disagree”. I always inform them I can not agree to that, because it’s the devil’s tool to escape the Truth, which they do NOT desire to hear….why? They rather believe in a delusion. Also another evil deceitful trick they will use is totally not answer your question, and delete completely the comment, or partially allow only part of the comment, “edit” to give a false view that they can “support”. The Lord’s Word stands fast, and the Lord’s council shall stand, no matter what lies they stand upon and the dishonest way they deal with true believers.
      Let’s remember the Lord stated that He came NOT to bring Peace, but a sword! And that Sword of truth will OFFEND those that are do not walk in the Truth that the Lord represents!
      Mat_10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
      Luk_2:35 (Yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also,) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.
      We will always suffer when we Keep to the Lord’s TRUTH, because it is to prove what His will is!
      Eph 5:6 Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.
      Eph 5:7 Be not ye therefore partakers with them.
      Eph 5:8 For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:
      Eph 5:9 (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;)
      Eph 5:10 Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord.

      How does one keep sane? We keep to the Lord’s word and ask the Holy Spirit to keep us strong, to stand upon His Word, and not to compromise in any manner to the truth we know has been planted in our hearts and within our consciences. True believers will always be honest and hopefully open to the truth, and will act in the right manner upon which Our Lord desires us to stand.
      We are living in a time where the Anti-Christ spirit has been firmly planted in so-called Christian circles, and we need to stand up against that evil fleshly spirit, and when we do, we shall suffer as the Lord did and His Apostles!
      Hope this helps……..Lord bless you.

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      1. Amen! I didn’t need any help, but thank you, for that reply; it will definitely help someone who reads it. I was making a general comment as to just how insane the world is, and how people are being confused with the alternative “truths” that are out there, starting with the counterfeit bibles within the Church, as you alluded to. It’s great knowing that there are others out there who are awake and alert to that very serious issue! Blessings!

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      2. I don’t know if my original reply went through or not; if so, pls excuse me, as I try to remember it. Thank you, for your excellent reply. I totally agree with you, and I didn’t need that response, but someone else who reads it may. I was speaking in general terms when I said how difficult it is to live in an insane world. I’m glad to see that others also recognize the issue of counterfeit bibles within the Church, as you alluded to! God bless you!


  12. Word Press messed up my account. Now, I’m going by two different names! UGH! I hate that platform with a passion! It happens way too often…the password doesn’t work and literal hours pass by trying to solve the problem. I’m sorry, if I caused any confusion with the two names. At the moment, I’m not sure which one is working.


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