Favorite Scriptures #2 – Meditate on the word day and night (Psalm 1:1-3)

At age 18 I was taken out of college by my father with only a few hours notice. I was sent to live in with a relative I wasn’t close to, in order to try and get my life together in a new environment. I was a D+/C- student, and an out of control binge drinker with no hope, no friends and no future. I had never truly sought God, but I knew from what was a disastrous childhood filled with hypocritical and abusive “Christians,” that somehow, the Jesus Christ of the Bible was real. So the very day I arrived in Northern Virginia to live with these relatives, I asked for a Bible. I didn’t know what to read or what to think when I read it, but I opened it up to Psalm 1 and I prayed something to the effect of….Lord, make this book more than just stories about fishermen. Make it real and teach me…please. Then I read:

Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly, or stand in the path of sinners or sit it the seat of the scornful; But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on that law he meditates day and night. He shall be a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth fruit in its season, whose leaf shall not wither and whatever he does shall prosper.”

…And life, and light, and hope and peace flooded my broken soul. The Lord Himself had instructed me, in an instant, with His word, teaching me exactly how I should live. Through this beautiful passage, He was telling me, gently but clearly, to take my focus off of men, and to place it instead on His words, and to eat, and drink and breathe those words all day every day.

To this day, 28 years later – as I sit, as I rise, as I rest, as I drive, as I surf, as I jog, as I wake, as I work… the scriptures that I have memorized, like my very breath, ebb and flow through my mouth, my mind and my heart. And I continue to ask the Lord to translate his beautiful words into life so that I can love those he has given me to love, and so that I can proclaim His redemptive work in power and peace to the people he places in my path…wherever I may go.

The Beauty and Power of the Written Word of God

Paul’s view on the Purpose of Life: Philippians 3:7-14

4 thoughts on “Favorite Scriptures #2 – Meditate on the word day and night (Psalm 1:1-3)

  1. Our God is an awesome God who gives us peace at times we least expect to be happy. I thank Him wholesomely with my heart for all He has done, doing and will still do in my life. David praised Him in his Psalms and this means that we too should without any hindrances.

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  2. Dear Brother…..AMEN! I’m continuing reading your testimony from Berean research……we have suffered similarities of sexual abuse. Mine from my mother and other adults, started as a toddler…..
    I did not turn to alcohol, or drugs until I was 19, but never addicted, but sex and acceptance was the foremost thing upon my mind, and to be a girl……I totally rejected who I was as a child, and desired to be someone else. I started to have relations at around 9 or 10 years old, parental sexual abuse and rejection on a young child is so damaging to one’s soul, and the Lord in His mercies has been a gentle helper all along the way. Only He knows how to deal with each individual believer once He sets His Love and mercy and the gift of salvation upon them,
    Lord bless you abundantly…
    In His Eternal Love…

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